50 Greatest Kid Concoctions (DVD and Booklet)
50 Greatest Kid Concoctions (DVD and Booklet)
Be a spy!
Take a sneak peek at the top-secret recipe files of toy companies!
Toy manufactures hope you'll never learn to make their special recipies but millions have already enjoyed these fun and easy-to-follow recipies in the bestselling KID CONNECTIONS books by John & Danita Thomas. Now you and your family can watch step-by-step demonstrations and then create some fun yourselves.
Be cool & creative. This DVD includes 50 wacky, wild and crazy concoctions for creating exciting toys with common household items for the cost of just pennies. The projects are fun and easy, with hints of scientific adventure and learning, providing hours of endless activity. Also includes a bonus booklet featuring complete recipes for all 50 concoctions.
By following the DVD and booklet you'll get to mix & mash, scoop & sling, punch & paint your way to creating fascinating concoctions including:
Super Bubble Ooze
Gooey Gunk
Magic Art Board
Treasure Stones
Sidewalk Chalk
Water Balloon Yo-Yo
Phoney Spill
Shake & Make Ice Cream
Fruity Lip Gloss
Grass Head Guys
Dog & Cat Treats
Rainbow Paint
Scratch and Sniff Watercolors
plus 37 more awesome and artsy projects
For preschoolers to teen-plus, it's interactive fun for parents and grandparents, too. Never hear the words "I'm bored" again.
Bonus Features: