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Nino Fidencio Constanino Pillar Devotional Candle

Nino Fidencio Constanino Pillar Devotional Candle


Nino Fidencio Constanino Pillar Devotional Candle

Prayer to the Little Saint Fidencio Constanino

Saint Child Fidencio, with your powerful hand you heal the sick. You ask the Eternal Father, for all our healings and you free us from Hell with your holy devotion. I ask you to request this grand favor of the Divine Redeemer. Oh celectial healer appointed by God on the Earth for all the afflicted, save me Holy Child from the traitor and from the enemy and cover me with your mantle. I know that you will be with me, I offer you this modest candle with all my heart. Fidencio Constantino I request your blessing.. Amen. (Make your petition)

Oracion al Nino Fidencio Constanino

Nino Santo Fidencio espiritu soberano, con tu poderosa mano alivia a tus enfermitos. Tu le pides al Eterno, para todos curacion, y nos libras del infierno con tu santa devocion. Asi pido le supliques, por este grande favor, Fidencio Constantino al Divino Redentor. Oh medico celestial, que fuiste de Dios escogido en el Globo Terrental para todo afligido. Librame Ninito Santo del traidor y del enemigo, y cubreme con tu manto, yo se que andaras conmigo. Esta humilde veladora, te ofrezco de corazon Fidencio Constatino, suplico tu bendcion. Amén. (Haga su peticion)

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