Divine Child Jesus (Divino Nino Jesus) Pink Devotional Candle
Divine Child Jesus (Divino Nino Jesus) Pink Devotional Candle
Oh Divine Child Jesus!, Son of God, who said "Ask and you shall receive" I implore that you hear my petition and help me in my daily work and studies. Grant me the grace to avoid bad examples and therefore gain eternal life with You, Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me. Amen.
Oh Amabilisimo Divino Nino Jesus!, que dijiste: "Pedid y recibireis"; dignate a escuchar benignamente la suplica que te hago en esta necesidad y concedeme favorablemente la gracia que solicito si es para mayor Gloria Tuya y bien de mi alma, asi sea, Jesus. Hijo de David, ten misericordia de mi. Amen.