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Soul Brothas 'n Sistas V.5 - 4 Feature Films

Soul Brothas 'n Sistas V.5 - 4 Feature Films


Soul Brothas 'n Sistas V.5 - 4 Feature Films


Blood Tide
James Earl Jones plays an American fortune hunter who inadvertently awakens a legendary sea creature off the shores of a Greek island. Now he will need the assistance of the island's elder (Jose Ferrer) to piece together the myth surrounding the creature and devise a plan to save the village.

The Tattoo Connection
Money is not always the root of all evil. In this case, rare stones rouse thieves into heavy martial arts action - constantly leaving investigators two steps behind.

Warriors Of The Wasteland
The Templars are a sinister gang of nuclear holocaust survivors preying upon a defenseless religious sect. Giancarlo Prete and Fred Williamson show up to lend a hand, but are soon overwhelmed by the task at hand.

Black Dragon
Growing up in a hurry is what most young men think they want. Ron Van Clief finds out the hard way what growing pains really are after being subjected to the sadistic violations of Hong Kong drug dealers.

Bonus Features:

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